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Essential Tips to Avoid Clogged Sinks

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How to Prevent the Clogged Sink

Everybody has had the experience of a clogged sink. You turn off the faucet after wiping your hands, then look down and see the sink still half full of water!

Since a clogged sink is such a universal problem, this article discusses your sink, how to fix it with drain cleaning when it’s clogged, and what you can do to prevent sink clogging. Not only can this prevent clogs, but in the long run, you can see improved performance from your plumbing. 

How Does Your Sink Work?

home sinkA sink is a basin underneath a faucet that is connected to your plumbing system. You use your sink for a multitude of purposes, most notably washing your hands or the dishes.

The water in the faucet is supplied by your water line located within your house walls and floors. The dirty water from the sink flows through the drain and into the sewer line, which is then emptied into the city sewer line.

The importance of the sink is unquestionable. Without a sink, washing your hands and the dishes would be much more problematic, let alone annoying. It is because sinks are so important that it’s such a problem when they are clogged.

Tips for Fixing a Clog

There are multiple reasons as to why your sink may be clogged. Hair can get caught in the drain part, preventing the water from draining out. This is a more problematic issue for sinks with large drains.

The sink will also get clogged if items that weren’t meant to be put in, like hair products, slips through the drain. The bathroom sink might also get clogged. A kitchen sink can also get clogged by the buildup of oil and grease over time from cooking.

fix clogged sink

There are multiple ways to unclog a sink. For bathroom sinks, you can mix a ⅓ cup of baking soda with a ⅓ cup of vinegar. After mixing, pour immediately down the drain and let it sit for an hour before washing it out using hot water. This should get rid of debris buildup and hair.

For a faster reaction, you can mix ½ cup of baking soda with a ½ cup of salt then pour it in. Wait fifteen minutes before adding boiling water. For the desperate, you can use a wire hanger to scrape out all of the hair and debris that have accumulated in the sink. You can also try using a plunger to unclog the sink. These methods can also be used on the kitchen sink.

Preventing Clogs Completely

prevent a clogThe best way to prevent a clogged drain is to be careful about what you put in it. So this means not brushing your hair over the drain to keep the hair from clogging it or doing self-cleaning over the drain.

For your bathroom sink, you can buy drain grates to put over the drain that will catch hair and other debris and prevent it from falling into the sink drain. You can also run hot water down the drain after each sink use to keep debris from clinging to the sides. 

To prevent clogging in your kitchen sink, you can collect your grease after each use. Use a cup to collect the grease and oil you use while cooking and then either reuse the oil or throw it away. You can also make sure you put approved cleaning fluids in your kitchen sink that will break down the oil and grease so as to keep the build-up from becoming clogged. 

Once in a while, it is a good idea to flush your drains. Flushing the drain will wash away anything that was potentially going to block your plumbing system

About Joe’s Drain Cleaning, LLC 

Joe’s Drain Cleaning, LLC has been helping homeowners in Lancaster for years. With a customer-focused mentality, they offer personalized service with transparent pricing for your peace of mind.