Want to know more about the team at Joe’s Dran Cleaning, LLC? Give us a call today at (740) 400-8862 to speak with us about all your plumbing needs today!
Meet Our Team
Joe and Melissa☺ A fun fact about Joe and Melissa is that they have 12 kids! Amazing!
Jimmy Conway☺ A fun fact about Jimmy is that he was a street evangelist in Boston for one whole year!
John Conway☺ A fun fact about John is that he has a dog named Rocco who likes to accompany him and his friends in their Disc Golf adventures! Also, John is currently enrolled in Journeyman School!
Will Conway
Lexi Conway☺ A fun fact about Lexi is that she loves fashion! She’s always bringing style to the office!
Patrick Conway☺ A fun fact about Patrick is that he has a cat named Ric, and one of his favorite TV shows is the office
Catherine Conway ☺ A fun fact about Catherine is that she can play 3 instruments and sing!
Michael Schoen
Joe Conway
Mark Conway
Melissa Conway